Now that the sides have been assembled, it's time to add the interior panels.

I started out by cutting 4 pieces from the scrap pile 17" long to be used as spacers. These are placed in the four corners of the interior panel and provide a consistant opening size. The clamps are strategically placed to insure an even dimension.

Here is the left side interior panel ready for the fasteners. If you look close, you'll see I've also added the top-front cleat. It's clamped in for now and will be permanently fastened later. Once the panel is in place, I attach it to the back using 1-1/4" screws. No glue.

And here's the right interior panel treated the same way as the left side.

After the panels were screwed to the back, I flipped the carcass onto its back and installed 2 of the spacers - one against the top cleat and one against the bottom. Clamps were added and then 1-1/4" screws through the bottom. Again, no glue. Now's the time to attach the top cleat to the end panel and left interior panel with two 1-1/4" screws at each panel making sure it's flush to front face of the panels and firmly seated in the rabbet.

The process is then repeated for the right side.

Well, we're gaining on it now. That pretty much wraps-up the bones of the shop table. Next time, we'll get started on the guts.
Cool! Looks like everything is coming together! Plus, I love the blog...quite stylish and well written! Can't wait for the next one!
It's actually starting to look like something! :)
It's not waffles but still pretty darn good!
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